Blogger Earnings
How Much Money Can You Realistically Make From Blogging? (Blogger Income Survey Data)

The popularity of blogging has been on the rise.
In 2020, there were an estimated 31.7 million bloggers in the United States, up from 27.4m in 2014 [1].
A major reason why blogging is so popular is that many people believe that they can earn good money from blogging. They also want to leverage the many advantages that blogging offers.
Can you really make a full-time income from blogging?
Yes. There are three major ways you can make money from blogging.
- Get employed as a blogger. According to Payscale, employed bloggers earn an average salary of $38,000 a year although this can go as high as $50,000 a year. [2]
- Become a freelance blogger. You can write blog articles for others and get paid at an hourly rate or per article. Payscale estimates that freelance bloggers earn an hourly rate of $15.13 an hour. [2] Freelance bloggers on Fiverr charge anywhere from $0.08 to $0.2 a word.
- Start your own blog. Bloggers running their own blogs earn a wide range of incomes from $0 to over $200,000 a month.
This article will focus on blog earnings from people running their own blogs. This is where the real money is made in blogging.
When you look at blog income reports, you will see examples of bloggers like Melyssa Griffin, Adam Enfroy, or Heather Delaney Reese who earn over $200,000 a month. Others regularly earn 5k, 10k, or 50k+ every month from diverse niches.
How blogger income was estimated
To estimate how much a typical blogger earns from blogging, I looked at results from 7 blogger income surveys from 2007 to 2020. The surveys captured responses from a combined total of 7,038 bloggers. I also looked at three additional surveys (ConvertKit, First Site Guide and The Blog Millionaire) for comparison but these were not used in calculating blogger incomes.
If you are a blogger or you want to get into blogging, this article will help you answer questions like:
- How much you can expect to earn from blogging if you have your own blog.
- The main factors that determine how much money you can make with blogging.
- How long it will take for you to start earning from your blog.
- How many hours of blogging you need to do per week to make money.
- The best ways to make money with your blog.
The results of the study are quite surprising and will provide food for thought for anyone thinking of starting a blog to make money.
1. How much money can an average blogger earn from blogging?
A majority of bloggers (53%) earn less than $100 a month from blogging. Only 15% make a full-time income ($2,500+ a month) from blogging.
Here is a summary of the breakdown of blogger earnings from 7 blogger surveys
- About 15% of bloggers make a full-time income from blogging (over $2,500 a month or $30, 000 a year). [3]
- About 8% of bloggers make enough income to be categorized as upper-middle class or higher (over $10,000 a month or $120,000 a year). [4]
- About 12% of bloggers earn just below the median household income(over $5,000 a month or $60,000 a year). [5]
- About 19% of bloggers earn above the minimum wage (over $1,500 a month or $18,000 a year). [6]
- About 31% of bloggers make a decent side income from blogging (over $500 a month or $6,000 a year).
- Nearly half of bloggers (47%) make more than $100 a month ($1,200 a year).
Some surveys give a more optimistic of blogger earnings. For example, a survey by ConvertKit, the average blogger earned an income of $38,016 annually in 2016 ($3,168 a month) (from 835 bloggers surveyed).
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2. How much do top-earning bloggers make?
From the surveys analyzed, about 6-10% of bloggers make over $10,000 a month (over $120,000 a year). Below is a summary taken from these surveys.
- My Work from Home Money survey: 8.3% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- Problogger surveys (2007): 10 % of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- First Site Guide Survey: 5.8 % of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- Problogger survey (2006): 8 % of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
This is not bad considering that the average salary of a doctor/GP in the US is $154,000 a year [7]. It’s great that some bloggers earn close to that amount without:
- Spending years in medical school.
- Accumulating huge student loans.
- Having long and stressful working hours with little time for family.
- Getting blamed or sued for the loss of loved ones.
If you get really good at blogging, you can make some crazy amounts of money. If you look at my list of blogger income reports, several bloggers make over $100,000 a month from blogging. For example:
- Melyssa Griffin (Melyssa Griffin): $283,680 per month in the online business niche.
- Adam Enfroy (Adam Enfroy): $281,776 per month in the online business niche.
- Heather Delaney Reese (It’s a Lovely Life): $222,857 per month in the travel niche.
- Michelle Schroeder-Gardner (Making Sense of Cents) : $139,233 per month in the personal finance niche.
- Kristin Larsen (Believe in a Budget): $109,879 per month in the personal finance niche.
3. Putting Blogging earnings in Perspective
These surveys show that it is possible to make a full-time income from blogging. The number of bloggers making full-time income is however quite low.
Only 15% of bloggers earn over $30,000 a year and 19% of bloggers earn above the minimum wage (over $18,000 a year).
Considering that 50% of the US workforce earns more than $34,248 a year (the median income in 2019) [3], wouldn’t it be smarter to go get a job?
Here are some major points you should consider.
- Many of the established bloggers in the surveys earned a full-time income while working less than 20 hours a week. Some of the pros worked less than 5 hours a week.
- Many people get into blogging to avoid the rigidity of most workplaces. You may want the freedom to earn while taking care of your kids, sick loved ones, or elderly parents.
- Your income has no ceiling. The better you get at blogging, the more you can earn. This is how some bloggers can earn 10k, 50k, or even 200k a month.
- You can do blogging part-time. You don’t have to quit your job to blog. You only quit once your blogs earns an income that can sustain your expenses.
For more on why blogging is a great way for making money online, check out my article: Is blogging worth it for making money online?
It takes time to start consistently earning from blogging but with hard work and perseverance, it is possible to make good money from blogging.
If you want to start a website or blog but you are not sure how to go about it, check out the article below. It will take you step-by-step through the process of starting a blog the right way.
4. What factors determine how much you will earn from blogging?
Why do 53% of bloggers earn nothing or less than $100 a month? Why is this number so high? When you look deeper into the surveys, you will find that:
- Many do blogging as a hobby and have no interest in monetizing their site.
- Some sites are still new and many of their articles have not had a chance to get decent traffic.
- Some bloggers don’t blog consistently.
When account for this, you will find that the number of bloggers who can make more than $100 a month from blogging will probably be much higher.
With that said, there are many factors that can lead to a failed blog. I have discussed them in detail in my article on amateur mistakes that cause blogs to fail.
In this section, I want to touch on a few of the factors (based on analysis of the blogger surveys). These are:
#1. Your Traffic and RPM
Your earnings are affected by how many visitors you get to your blog and how much money you can make per visitor.
If you want to increase your blogging income, you either have to increase your traffic by getting good at SEO or by increasing your RPM.
Your RPM is largely determined by factors like your niche and your target audience.
You can estimate how much money you can make per visitor by calculating your RPM.
How to calculate RPM
RPM (Revenue per mille) means revenue per 1,000 pageviews. (Mille means thousand in Latin). The formula for calculating RPM is:
RPM= Your Monthly Income / (Number of pageviews/1,000)
For example, if you make $2,000 a month from your blog and you get 50,000 pageviews every month, your RPM is $40. This is how you calculate it.
- Your RPM= $2,000/(50,000/1000)= $40
It is important to calculate RPM for blogs because it can help you to:
- Compare blogs with different levels of traffic.
- Gauge performance of your blog in comparison to other blogs.
If you want to increase your blogging income, you either have to increase your traffic by getting good at SEO or by increasing your RPM.
Your RPM is largely determined by factors like your niche and your target audience.
How much money can you make from 1,000 views?
What is the average RPM you can expect from your blog?
If you target a variety of monetization methods, you can reasonably expect an RPM of between $30 and $50. An RPM of $30 ($15 from Ads and $15 from Affiliate marketing) is achievable for bloggers in most niches.
Some niches might have a higher RPM while others will have lower (see list of blogger income reports to compare RPMs).
How to calculate your potential earnings from blogging using RPM
If you want to estimate how much you can earn from your blog, you need to divide the number of visitors you get by the average RPM for your niche.
For example:
- If you get a million visitors to your blog every month at an RPM of $30, you can expect to earn $33,000 a month.
- If your blog brings in 50,000 visitors a month at an RPM of $30, you can expect to earn $1,666 a month.
#2. Your Blogging niche
Some blogging niches will typically have higher RPMs than others and are therefore popular with successful bloggers.
Which are the most popular blogging niches for making money?
According to the survey data, the most popular niches for making money are personal development, entrepreneurship/online business/marketing, personal finance, lifestyle and food.
- In the ConvertKit survey, the most popular niche with bloggers is Personal Development (with 42% of bloggers). Other popular niches are Entrepreneurship (33.5%), Small Business (29.3%), Online Business (26.6%), and Productivity (26%).
- In the First Site Guide Survey, the top niches for bloggers are Lifestyle (11.4%), Personal development (9.6%). Entrepreneurship (7.9%), Small business (7.3%), and Online Business (5.6%)
- In The Blog Millionaire Survey (2018), the highest-earning bloggers are in the Personal Finance Niche (with 24% of bloggers). Other popular niches are Marketing (21%), Food (17%), Lifestyle (15%), and Travel (11%). Food and Personal finance bloggers have the highest monthly income.
#3. Age of the blog
Usually, new blogs tend to earn less than established blogs. However, this depends on a variety of factors, for example.
- Rate of writing content. Someone who has been blogging for one year but has 100 articles will outperform someone who has been blogging for 4 years but has 30 articles.
- SEO skills. If you are good at bringing in SEO traffic, you can make money faster than someone who does not use SEO tactics.
- Time to gain authority. If you consistently create great content over time, you will gain credibility with your readers and search engines. This will enable you to get more traffic to your blog.
How long does it take before you start earning a full-time income in blogging?
It can take anywhere between 2-4 years to earn a full-time income from blogging. Here is what the data from blogger surveys show.
- In the iBlog survey, 55% of the bloggers making money had been blogging for more than 3 years.
- In the 2012 ProBlogger survey, 85% of bloggers in the top income bracket had been blogging for four years or more.
- In the Digital Nomad Wannabe (DNW) survey, bloggers making $20,000 a month had been blogging for an average of 3.45 years.
How much money can you earn in your first year of blogging?
It is possible to make at least $200 a month in less than a year. A survey by Digital Nomad Wannabe (DNW) found that 43% of bloggers who had been blogging for 6-12 months were making at least $200 a month.
There are ways you can speed up the process of earning an income. These include:
- Getting good at SEO techniques.
- Starting your blog with aged domains that already have backlinks.
- Targeting social traffic.
- Targeting high ticket items.
#4. Amount of time spent on the blog
One of the great benefits of blogging is that you can earn a full-time income while working very few hours. Initially, when you start your blog, you may have to put in a lot of work but once your blog gets established, you don’t need to work a lot of hours to keep it going.
The more hours you spend working on your blog, the higher the probability that you will make more from it as long as you do things the correct way. There are several reasons for this.
- You have more time for creating content.
- You can spend more time learning how to improve your blog.
How much time do bloggers spend working on their blog?
Results from different surveys that show it is possible to earn a full-time income while working less than 20 hours a week.
- In the ConvertKit survey, 42% of professional bloggers worked less than 5 hours a week on their blog but made more money than the average American.
- In the ConvertKit survey, roughly 78% of the bloggers spent less than 20 hours a week on their blog but earned an average income of $38,016 annually.
- In the First Site Guide survey,the majority of bloggers (84.5%) spent less than 20 hours a week on their blog yet 33 % of them were made a full-time income from blogging (over $3,000 a month).
- In the My Work From Home Money (MWFHM) survey, bloggers spent an average of 8 hours a week working on their blog yet 36% of them earned over $3,000 a month.
If bloggers can achieve these results working a few hours a week, you can accomplish a lot if you take blogging seriously and work the standard 40-hour workweek.
#5. Amount of content on your blog
The larger the amount of content on your blog, the higher the chances of making a large income in blogging. Every post you write contributes to the overall earning of the blog.
To make good money from blogging, you need to accumulate a critical mass of high-quality SEO-optimized posts in niches with high RPMs.
How much money can you make per blog post?
I have not seen reliable estimates (from actual data) of how much money each blog post can bring, however, we can try and reverse engineer from survey data that is already available.
Here is data from the various surveys on bloggers making money from blogging.
- In the First Site Guide survey, 50% of bloggers make over $1,000 a month
- In the First Site Guide survey, 74% of bloggers blog at least once a week
- In the iBlog survey, 55% of bloggers have been blogging for 3 or more years
Going by these figures, if you blog at least once a week for 3 years, chances are high that you can earn at least $1,000 a month.
If you write at least one post a week, at the end of 3 years you will have accumulated 150 posts blog posts. If you are earning $1,000 every month, then each post is potentially earning you an average of 6.6 dollars a month ($1,000/150 posts).
This estimate is not perfect and the amount of money you can make from a single post can vary considerably. Several factors can affect how much money each post can bring, for example, amount of traffic to each post, the RPM per post and the engagement for each post.
How many posts should you write?
If you are able to get an estimate of how much each post can bring you, then you can decide how many posts you need to write based on how much you want to earn.
For example, if you want to earn $3,000 a month within 3 years, then you need 450 posts on your blog ($3,000/$6.6). This means that you have to write 150 posts a year or 3 posts a week.
#6. Your blogging expenses
When calculating how much you earn from blogging, it is important to focus on profit rather than revenue. The more expenses you have, the less your profit.
Blogging expenses are generally low and it is possible to have profit margins of over 90%. In a traditional brick-and-mortar business, you are lucky if you get a profit margin of 30%. This explains why some bloggers can consistently get high incomes.
With that said, blogging expenses can vary considerably depending on how you monetize your blog. For example, if you offer courses, you may need to spend on ads, video editing, and support staff.
How much money do bloggers spend on their blogs?
If you have a hobby blog, you could get away with spending less than $5 a month on blogging (mostly for hosting and domain). However, if you want to make money from your blog, your expenses could range from $80 to over $3,000 a month. Here is data from blogger surveys.
- According to the ConvertKit (2017) survey, pro bloggers spent an average of $1,324 a month ($15,895 a year in expenses while bloggers who were not making money from their blogs spent $79 a month ($953 a year) in expenses.
- According to the First Site Guide Survey, 57.6% of bloggers spent $500 or less on their blogs per month. 13.9 % spent $500 to $1,000 while 28.4% spent over $3,000 a month.
- In the My Work From Home Money survey, most bloggers (68%) spent less than $200 a month on their blogs.
If you want your blog to grow, you have to treat it as a business and re-invest your earnings into it. However, you need to be smart about how you spend your money to avoid running an unprofitable blog.
#7. Your blog monetization strategies
How you choose to monetize your blog can determine how much money you eventually make.
If you want to make money from blogging, need to avoid mistakes that other bloggers make when monetizing their sites. Some of the monetization mistakes include:
- Choosing not to monetize your site.
- Targeting one or two monetization methods.
- Sticking with monetization methods that don’t give a return on investment.
If you want to go deeper into mistakes that beginner bloggers make (including monetization mistakes), check out my article on amateur blogging mistakes.
5. How do bloggers make money from their blogs?
There are many ways of making money through blogging but some are more popular than others for various reasons.
According to a survey by First Site Guide, the most common ways that bloggers make money are ads (banners, AdSense) (25.5% of bloggers use this), affiliate marketing (18.7%), selling products and services (16.8%), sponsorships/donations (9.4%).
Some of these methods are easier than others to implement but bring in less money. Others are harder to implement but bring in considerably more money. Let us look at them in detail.
#1. Display ads
Display ads are the easiest and most passive way to monetize a site. Beginner bloggers love display ads because you don’t need a lot of skill to make money from them. However, professional bloggers tend to focus on other forms of making money.
According to a survey by The Blog Millionaire (2018)
- Bloggers earning over $25,000 a month made 3% of their income from display ads.
- Bloggers earning between $7,500 and $25,000 a month made 30% of their income from display ads.
- Bloggers earning between $2,000 and $7,500 a month made 35% of their income from display ads
Earnings from display ads tend to be low compared to other methods especially if you are relying on Ad Sense.
However, with the entry of premium ad networks like Ezoic, Mediavine or Ad Thrive, display ads are now quite profitable. This has been driven mainly by the increased spending on digital ads globally.
In 2021, total digital ad spending was expected to reach $419 billion globally (Blogging Statistics).
In some of these premium networks, you can get RPMs of up to 40 or 50. If you check blogger income reports, you will see that many bloggers make a full-time income with income from premium ad networks.
If you are a beginner, Ezoic is the easiest premium ad network to get into because they don’t have minimum traffic requirements like the others. See the Ezoic program for beginners here.
#2. Affiliate marketing
In affiliate marketing, you make money by recommending other people’s products and services in return for a commission.
Affiliate marketing is an easy and profitable way to monetize your blog. You simply share affiliate links on your blog and if someone buys from that link, you get a small commission.
The affiliate marketing industry is exploding as more businesses shift online. In 2021, affiliate marketing spending was estimated at $7.4 billion in the US. 81% of large US programs now use affiliate marketing to get customers (Blogging Statistics).
Affiliate income makes a significant portion of blogger earnings. According to a survey by The Blog Millionaire (2018)
- Bloggers earning over $25,000 a month made 12% of their income from affiliate marketing.
- Bloggers earning between $7,500 and $25,000 a month made 38% of their income from affiliate marketing.
- Bloggers earning between $2,000 and $7,500 a month made 27% of their income from affiliate marketing.
In some niches like personal finance and entrepreneurship, affiliate income can be very high.
The easiest way to get started with affiliate marketing is to join an affiliate program like Amazon Associates or an affiliate network like Shareasale. When you sign up to Shareasale, you can get access to over 16,000 affiliate programs including Etsy, Honey, and RewardStyle.
#3. Selling products and Services
Selling products and services is a popular monetization method among bloggers, especially the more established bloggers. Selling products, especially digital products can be highly lucrative because of the high profit margins.
According to the ConvertKit (2017) survey, 65% of bloggers had a product or service for sale. 74% of bloggers sold digital products (books, courses, etc) while 52% of all bloggers offered a service.
Courses are especially popular with more established bloggers. Course platforms like Thinkific have made it easier than ever to create and deliver courses. If you have a large and engaged audience, this is a monetization method you should definitely target.
According to a survey by The Blog Millionaire (2018)
- Bloggers earning over $25,000 a month made 80% of their income from courses and none from services/consulting.
- Bloggers earning between $7,500 and $25,000 a month made 10% of their income from courses and 1% from services/consulting.
- Bloggers earning between $2,000 and $7,500 a month made 3% of their income from courses and 7% from services/consulting.
Some of the products you can sell include digital products (ebooks, printable), courses, print-on-demand products (t-shirts, posters), and physical products.
You can get started with selling digital products for free using a service like Payhip.
Some of the services you can offer include web design, SEO, graphic design, and social media management.
#4. Sponsored content
If you are a beginner or mid-level blogger with low traffic, you should consider sponsored posts. To make money from sponsored content, you have to get a brand to pay you to write a post to market their products.
According to a survey by The Blog Millionaire (2018)
- Bloggers earning over $25,000 a month made 3% of their income from sponsored posts.
- Bloggers earning between $7,500 and $25,000 a month made 11% of their income from sponsored posts.
- Bloggers earning between $2,000 and $7,500 a month made 14% of their income from sponsored posts.
There are many platforms such as Tapinfluence where you can register as an influencer and connect with brands.
Sponsored posts are great if your blog is still new because you can earn money even with a small blog. The downside of sponsored posts is that the income is not guaranteed and you need to do a lot of work to get sponsors.
6. Blogger Income Surveys Roundup
In this section, you will find quick summaries from the surveys featured in this article. If you want more detailed information, you can go to the websites and look at the original surveys.
#1. My Work From Home Money Blogger Income Survey in 2020 (MWFHM)
Joseph Hogue at My Work From Home Money surveyed 150 bloggers in 2020.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- Over 50% of the bloggers made over $1,500 a month.
- The bloggers spent an average of 8 hours a week working on their blogs.
- The majority of bloggers made their money from affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and pay-per-click ads.
- Most of the bloggers (68%) spent less than $200 a month on their blogs.
Summary Results from the Survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 8.3% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- 23.1% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 36.1% of bloggers earned over $3,000 a month.
- 50% of bloggers earned over $1,500 a month.
- 61.1% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 75.9% of bloggers earned over $100 a month.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#2. Digital Nomad Wannabe Blogger Income Survey in 2019 (DNW)
Digital Nomad Wannabe surveyed 600 bloggers in 2019.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- About 16% of bloggers earned a full-time income from blogging (over $2,500 a month).
- 40% of bloggers were able to earn a decent side-income or full-time income from blogging (over $500 a month).
- 27% of the bloggers earned nothing. Why is this? Some bloggers (11%) did not monetize their blogs while others (26.7%) had been monetizing for less than a year.
- The average amount of time that bloggers making $20,000 a month have been blogging is 3.45 years.
- 43% of bloggers who have been blogging for 6-12 months were making at least $200 a month.
- The majority of bloggers (21%) spent 5-10 hours a week on their blogs while only 5% of bloggers put in more than 40 hours a week.
- The majority of bloggers made their income from affiliate marketing (80%), display ads (56.4%), and sponsorships (38.9%).
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 1.9% of bloggers earned over $20,000 a month.
- 14.5% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 15.9% of bloggers earned over $2,500 a month.
- 39.3% of the bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 33.7% of bloggers earned between $1 and $500 a month.
- 23% of the bloggers earned between $1 and $200 a month.
- 27% of the bloggers earned nothing.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#3. ProBlogger Income Survey in 2007 (PB 07)
ProBlogger surveyed 3,054 bloggers to find out how much they earned in October 2007.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 16% of bloggers earned a full-time income from blogging (over $2,500 a month).
- 31% of bloggers were able to earn a decent side-income or full-time income from blogging (over $500 a month).
- 28% of the bloggers earned nothing.
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 9% of bloggers earned over $15,000 a month.
- 10% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- 12% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 16% of bloggers earned over $2,500 a month.
- 19% of bloggers earned over $1,500 a month.
- 31% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 49% of bloggers earned over $100 a month.
- 28% of the bloggers earned nothing from their blog.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#4. ProBlogger Blogger Income Survey in 2006 (PB 06)
ProBlogger surveyed 1,504 bloggers to find out how much they earned in April 2006.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 13% of bloggers earned a full-time income from blogging (over $2,500 a month).
- 27% of bloggers were able to earn a decent side-income or full-time income from blogging (over $500 a month).
- 38% of the bloggers earned nothing.
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 7% of bloggers earned over $15,000 a month.
- 8% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- 9% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 13% of bloggers earned over $2,500 a month.
- 13% of bloggers earned over $1,500 a month.
- 27% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 43% of bloggers earned over $100 a month.
- 38% earned nothing from their blog.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#5. ProBlogger Blogger Income Survey in 2012 (PB 12)
ProBlogger surveyed 1,500 bloggers to find out how much they earned in 2012.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 20% of the bloggers were able to earn a part-time or full-time income from blogging (earned over $500 a month).
- 10% earned nothing from their blogs.
- About half of the bloggers surveyed had been blogging for less than two years.
- 85% of bloggers in the top income bracket had been blogging for four years or more.
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 4% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- 13% of bloggers earned over $1,000 a month.
- 20% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 37% of bloggers earned over $100 a month.
- 28% of the bloggers earned less than $10 a month.
- 10% of bloggers earned nothing from their blog.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#6. IBlog Women in Blogging Blogger Income Survey in 2015 (WIB)
IBlog magazine surveyed thousands of women bloggers in 2015 to find out about their income and blogging habits.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 11% of the bloggers were able to make a full-time income from blogging (over $2,500 a month).
- About 32% of bloggers were able to make a decent side income or full-time income from blogging (over $416 a month).
- 44% of bloggers worked on their blog for less than 15 hours a week while only 22% worked for 30-35 hours or more weekly.
- 45% of the bloggers had been blogging for less than 3 years while the rest had been blogging for more than 3 years.
- 69% have bachelor’s degrees or higher level of education.
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 6% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 11% of bloggers earned over $2,500 a month.
- 32% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 43% of bloggers earned over $200 a month.
Here is a table with the actual values from the survey
# Bloggers Surveyed | 50 |
Year | 2015 |
Monthly Income | |
>$5,000 ($60,000 annually) | 6 % |
$2,500- 5,000 ($30,000-$60,000) | 5 % |
$416- 833 ($5,000- 10,000 annually) | 7 % |
$208 – 416 ($2,500- 5,000 annually) | 11 % |
<$208 ($2,500 annually) | 57 % |
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#7. Medium Blogger Income Survey (2020)
In this survey, 180 bloggers in the Medium Partner Program were surveyed in April 2020.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 21.6% of the bloggers earned a part-time or full-time income from their blog (i.e. earned over $500 a month).
- 52.8% of the bloggers earned less than $100.
- The highest amount earned by a single author was $28,622.
- The highest amount earned for a single story was $12,797.
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 7.2% of bloggers earned over $1,000 a month.
- 14.4% of bloggers earned over $500 a month.
- 47.2% of bloggers earned over $100 a month.
- 36.1% of bloggers earned less than $25 a month.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
#8. Other Surveys
The following two surveys were not included in the calculation of blogger earnings but they provide valuable information on various aspects of blogger incomes.
First Site Guide Survey
In this survey, First Site Guide surveyed 1,030 bloggers in 2020.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 33% of the bloggers were able to make a full-time income from blogging (over $3,000 a month).
- About 50% of bloggers were able to make a decent side income from blogging (over $1,000 a month).
- 49.3% of bloggers do it as a full-time job while 14.8% do it as a hobby.
- 84.5% of the bloggers spent less than 20 hours a week on their blog while 50% spent less than 5 hours. Only 6% spent more than 40 hours a week.
- 75% have some form of a college degree (bachelors, associate, masters, or doctorate).
- The top niches for bloggers were Lifestyle (11.4%), Personal development (9.6%). Entrepreneurship (7.9%), Small business (7.3%), and online business (5.6%).
- Tops ways bloggers make money were ads (banners, AdSense) (25.5%), affiliate marketing (18.7%), selling products and services (16.8%), sponsorships/donations (9.4%).
Summary results from the survey
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 3% of bloggers earned over $20,000 a month.
- 5.8% of bloggers earned over $10,000 a month.
- 18.8% of bloggers earned over $5,000 a month.
- 33.1% of bloggers earned over $3,000 a month.
- 50.5% of bloggers earned over $1,000 a month.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
ConvertKit Survey
In this survey, ConvertKit surveyed 835 bloggers in 2016.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- 14% of the bloggers considered themselves professional bloggers while 86% considered themselves not-yet professional bloggers.
- The average blogger earned an income of $38,016 annually ($3,168 a month)[Gross income of $54,108 minus $15,895 expenses].
- Professional bloggers earned an income of $138,046 annually ($11,503 a month) [Gross income of $185,975 minus $47,912 expenses].
- Not-yet professional bloggers earned an income of $9,497 annually ($791 a month) [Gross income $16,267 minus $6,769 expenses].
- 91% of bloggers had education qualifications beyond high school. 30% of bloggers had a master’s, doctorate, or professional degree.
- Roughly 78% of the bloggers spent less than 20 hours a week on their blogs. About 44% of bloggers spent less than 5 hours a week on their blogs while 7% spent more than 40 hours a week.
- 42% of professional bloggers worked less than 5 hours a week on their blog but made more money than the median US household income.
- The most popular niches with bloggers were Personal Development (42%), Entrepreneurship (33.5%), Small Business (29.3%), Online Business (26.6%), and Productivity (26%).
Summary results from the survey
The results below show household income which is a combination of income from blogging and any other income-generating activity from anyone in the household.
This shows that the income bloggers make can contribute greatly to household income.
Here is a detailed summary of blogger incomes from the survey.
- 16% of bloggers earned over $12,500 a month (>$150,000 annually).
- 61% of bloggers earned over $4,000 a month. ($50,000 annually).
- 75% of bloggers earned over $2,000 a month ($25,000 annually).
- 13% of bloggers earned less than $2,000 a month ($25,000 annually).
- 12% of bloggers preferred not to reveal their income.
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
The Blog Millionaire Survey (2018)
In this survey, Brandon Gaille from The Blog Millionaire analyzed blogs earning over $2,000 a month and came up with some interesting findings.
Quick Insights from the Survey
- Food and personal finance bloggers had the highest median monthly income (at $9,169 and $9,100 respectively). Other niches had almost similar levels of income. Lifestyle ($5,199), Mommy ($5,150), Travel ($5,000), Marketing ($4,269).
- The highest-earning bloggers were in the Personal Finance Niche (with 24% of bloggers). Other popular niches are Marketing (21%), Food (17%), Lifestyle (15%), and Travel (11%).
- Bloggers earning over $25,000 a month made most of their money from courses (80%), affiliates (12%), ads (3%), and sponsored posts (3%).
- Bloggers earning between $7,500 and $25,000 a month made most of their money from affiliates (38%), ads (30%), sponsored posts (11%), online courses (10%), and services/consulting (1%).
- Bloggers earning between $2,000 and $7,500 a month made most of their money from ads (35%), affiliates (27%), sponsored posts (14%), services/consulting (7%), and online courses (3%).
If you want to read the article from the actual survey, click here.
Final Thoughts
Blogging is not a get-rich-quick opportunity. However, with careful planning and consistent execution, blogging can be a reliable and even highly profitable source of income.
Can you become one of the 12% of bloggers that make 5k, 10k, 50k, or even 100k a month from blogging? Yes. Many of these top-earning bloggers are ordinary people like you and me who took the time to do things the right way and then worked hard to grow their blogs.
Hopefully, this article has given you ideas that you can use to increase how much money you can make from your blog.
Blogger Earnings
11 Ways to Deal with Failure in Your Blogging Business
Getting into blogging, especially as a full-time business, can be a scary thing. There is a risk that you will put your heart and soul into your business only to have it fail. Full-time blogging comes with numerous doubts and concerns such as:
- How will I make enough money to support myself and my loved ones?
- What if I fail and I have to go back and beg for my job?
- What if I fail and I have to face people who told me I was making a mistake?
- What if I waste 2 to 4 years of my life working on something that will fail?
Entrepreneurship, in general, can be difficult and risky. With a blogging business, just like in any other business, the chances are high that you will fail in your first few attempts.
The great thing about a blogging business is that the cost of starting and running the business is very low, meaning that you can fail and start again several times.
Blogging has many other benefits that make it worth investing your time and effort. But that doesn’t mean that there are no risks.
Therefore, you need to figure out a way to protect yourself so that failure does not complicate your life. You need to come up with a ‘no-fail’ blogging strategy to ensure that you end up winning even if you fail.
In this article, I will explore some strategies that will help you to reduce the risk of failure in your blogging business and help you to successfully overcome failure should it occur.
Some of the topics I will cover include:
- How to diagnose some of the major issues that cause blogs to fail.
- How to use learning to accelerate success.
- How you can protect yourself financially should your blog fail.
- How to stay motivated despite failure.
- How to pivot and take advantage of better opportunities.
If you have not started your blog or are looking to revamp your blog, check out my article on how to create a blog the right way. It will take you step-by-step through the process of starting a blog and help you to avoid some common blog set-up mistakes.
Strategies to protect yourself against failure in your blogging business
Let us examine, in detail, the strategies that you can use to deal with failure in your blogging business.
1. Anticipate and Fix Issues That Can Cause Failure
Issues that cause blogs to fail tend to be common among many bloggers and they are well-documented. It is well worth your time to study the mistakes others have made so that you can get an idea of the mistakes you are likely to make in your blog.
What will cause your blog to fail?
The major causes of blogs to fail broadly fall into the following major categories:
#1. Technical issues with your blog
Technical problems can make or break your blog. It makes no sense to spend a lot of effort and money attracting visitors to your blog only for them to bounce off due to technical issues.
Some of the technical issues you should watch out for include:
- Starting your blog on the wrong platform with the wrong web hosting company.
- Having a blog with slow-loading web pages.
- Having a blog that is easy to hack.
- Having a poorly designed blog that makes it difficult for your visitors to find the information they need.
You can avoid these issues by starting your blog the correct way. If you are not sure about how to go about this, check out my article on how to start a blog the right way.
#2. Inability to attract enough visitors
No matter how good your content is, if you are unable to attract enough visitors to your blog, you will not make money.
The best way to attract visitors to your blog is to get good at Google SEO.
Google is the biggest referrer of traffic to blogs providing about 66% of their traffic (Blogging Statistics).
Google traffic has many other advantages such as:
- It is cheap.
- It can have a long-lasting effect especially if you target evergreen topics.
- It can deliver highly targeted traffic.
#3. Poor monetization strategies
If you want your blog to make money, you need to treat it as a business from day one. If your blog is not making any money, you may quickly get discouraged and give up.
Luckily, there are a few easy things you can do to ensure you increase your blogging income:
- Be clear about how you will monetize your site from day one. Which Ad networks pay well? Which affiliate programs should you promote?
- Diversify your blogging income. There are many ways you can make money from your blog. Don’t leave money on the table.
- Don’t be too greedy when monetizing for example by promoting shady products or constantly spamming your audience with scammy offers. Aim to make a customer and not a sale.
#4. Inability to provide sufficient value through your blog
Creating valuable content is the key to creating a successful blog. Why would anyone spend their hard-earned money on your blog if they are not getting enough value from your content? You need to ask yourself:
- Have you chosen a niche where you can provide value?
- Do you understand who your target audience is and what their needs are?
- Is your content relevant to your audience?
- Are you willing to learn and grow within your niche?
Many of the mistakes that cause blogs to fail can be easily fixed. To find out more about how to fix common blogging mistakes, read the article below:
2. Prioritize Learning How To Do Things the Right Way
Right now, and for the first time ever, a passionate and committed individual has access to the technology, minds, and capital required to take on any challenge. – Peter H. Diamandis, Entrepreneur Quotes
If you have never done blogging before, it is not very realistic to expect to nail it on your first try.
Investing time in learning how to do things the right way is probably one of the most powerful things you can do to find success faster.
Why you should invest in learning about blogging
- It will help you to avoid other people’s mistakes. If you do not know what other bloggers have done wrong and the lessons they have learned, you are bound to repeat their mistakes.
- It will cut down on the time for success. Success in blogging can take a long time if you try to figure out everything by yourself. You do not want to re-invent the wheel. Follow what has worked for others
- It will give you a competitive advantage. Learning the best ways to carry out various blogging tasks will give you an edge over those bloggers who think that learning is a waste of time.
Strategies to learn about blogging
To succeed in blogging, you need all the help you can get. Here are some strategies you can use to give you the best chances of success.
#1. Taking advantage of free and paid resources
You can take advantage of the numerous resources (free and paid) to learn valuable skills that will help you in your blogging journey.
With a platform like Skillshare, for example, you can get access to thousands of courses for an affordable monthly payment.
Some of the skills you can learn on platforms such as Skillshare include:
- How to use WordPress.
- How to get Google traffic through SEO.
- How to design graphics.
#2. Learn from the experience of others
You can learn a lot from the experience of other bloggers. You can do this through:
- Reading income reports. Blogger income reports reveal a lot of information regarding how much bloggers are making, which methods they use to make money, and the opportunities and challenges they face. Check out a list blogger income reports here.
- Joining groups and forums. Find out where other bloggers hang out and join those groups. You can ask questions about any challenges you face.
#3. Learning from your own mistakes
Most of what you learn about blogging will be through through personal experience. You will make mistakes and learn from them.
You should view your mistakes as a source of learning rather than a source of distress.
You can learn by:
- Regularly testing things out, for example, different headlines or call-to-actions.
- Updating old blog posts. Go through your old posts and correct mistakes you made while you were a beginner blogger.
#4. Using data to discover opportunities or uncover hidden mistakes
Without data, you are a hostage to opinion.
Data will enable you to test out different strategies to find out the most effective ones.
There are many data tools that you can take advantage of.
- Use Google Analytics and Google search console (free Google tools) to see where your visitors are coming from and which keywords are getting them to your site.
- Use keyword tools (such as Semrush or Keysearch) to look for easy keywords you can rank for. They can give you a wealth of information on good keywords for attracting visitors.
3. Protect Yourself Financially
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. – Zig Ziglar, Entrepreneur Quotes
A blogging business is a great business to have because it is profitable, cheap to start, and easy to run, unlike many brick-and-mortar businesses.
However, in a blogging business, much like in any other entrepreneurial venture, there are some risks:
- It takes long before you start making an income that can support you. A blog can take anywhere between two and four years before it can fully support you.
- The income will vary a lot initially especially if you are in competitive niches.
- An algorithm change to Google or a cut in affiliate commission rates can take away a chunk of your income.
As your blog grows and you get more experience in blogging, your income will become more stable.
In the initial stages, you need to protect yourself financially from these challenges, especially if you intend to do blogging full-time and you have no other source of income.
How to protect yourself financially from blogging failure
There are several things you can do to protect yourself.
#1. Do blogging part-time
Given the challenges mentioned above, it may be better to start with part-time blogging rather than full-time blogging.
A part-time job will help you pay the bills as you grow your blog. However, you need to choose your part-time job well so that it leaves you with enough time for blogging.
- Look for a job with a lot of downtime for example, as night manager or receptionist at a hotel. You can use this downtime to work on your blog.
- Look for seasonal jobs such as working in a summer camp and use this money to support yourself for the rest of the year.
- Look for jobs where you make your own time, for example, taking up gig jobs (such as Uber, pizza delivery)
You can use sites like Flexjobs to check for flexible work opportunities.
For a deeper exploration of the challenges of full-time blogging, check on my article: Should I quit my job for full-time blogging?
#2. Have an emergency fund
You need to have an equivalent of 6 months to one year in savings so that you don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure. If you plan to do blogging full-time and you have a family, you may need a bigger emergency fund.
Some of the strategies you can use to build up your emergency fund include:
- Reducing your monthly budget by sacrificing luxuries you don’t need.
- Selling stuff that you don’t regularly use.
- Working extra hours in your current job.
#3. Do freelance work
Blogging enables you to build several lucrative skills such as web design, copywriting, and SEO. Since you have to learn these skills in your blogging journey, you might as well get good at them so that you can earn money through freelancing.
Freelancing can win you back a lot of your time and freedom. You can take advantage of this to build your blog.
You can kick-start your freelancing work by:
- Using your blog to market your services. Provide a phone or email contact where they can reach you. You can also use a Livechat service to capture leads.
- Offering your services on a platform like Fiverr. Fiverr can be quite useful in building your initial customer base. You can also find freelance jobs on sites like Flexjobs.
- Reaching out directly to businesses and potential clients. For example, you can approach local businesses in your area and offer to create a website for them.
4. Set Yourself Up To Fail Forward
Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward. – John Maxwell, Entrepreneur Quotes
Whenever you fail at anything, it can feel like you wasted a big portion of your life. This is especially true when working on a long-term project where success is not guaranteed.
How do you deal with this?
You can take the sting out of failing by setting yourself up to fail forward.
When you fail forward, you keep moving ahead even when you fail. It means making the best use of your mistakes to ensure that you benefit despite failing to achieve your main objective.
With blogging, it can take a long time before you start to see results, and results are not guaranteed. Planning how to fail forward can help you cope with the prospect of failure.
How to fail forward in blogging
Blogging has many benefits besides monetary gain so it is not too difficult to plan how to fail forward. Here are some ways you can set up your blogging business to ensure that you fail forward.
#1. Work on something you enjoy
When choosing a niche, choose something that you are interested in.
If working in your niche brings personal joy, it will make you a happier person overall. Even if you fail, at least you had a blast doing it.
To choose a profitable niche that you will enjoy, you need to ask the following questions:
- Will you enjoy writing at least 50 articles in that niche?
- Are there enough people interested in your niche?
- Do you have adequate skills to provide value to others in that niche or are you willing to learn these skills?
- Are there examples of people making money in the niche?
#2. Build skills and domain knowledge
If you spend the next five years blogging about a particular topic or niche, you are naturally going to build up a wealth of knowledge and skills in that particular field.
However, to benefit fully from the knowledge and skills you acquire, you need to choose what you learn carefully. As you learn skills, ask yourself:
- Can you re-use these skills in another business or job?
- Are these skills in high demand?
- Can you learn these skills quickly and cheaply?
The best skills to learn are transferrable skills. These are skills that can be transferred from one job to another or from one industry to another.
Luckily, blogging skills such as content writing, copywriting, SEO, graphic design, and web design are not only highly transferrable but also in high demand.
#3. Build life skills
Blogging can teach you valuable life skills that you cannot learn from any book or course. Life skills are crucial for success in life and you get them through personal experience, usually through making mistakes and learning from them.
Some of the life skills you learn from blogging include:
- How to fail without losing hope.
- How to create habits and routines that help you to become productive.
- How to be persistent.
#4. Provide real value
As a full-time blogger, the main purpose of your blog is to provide value to visitors while providing you with an income that can sustain you.
When your blog is new, you may find it difficult to make a decent living despite providing good value.
Does it mean you have failed? If people’s lives are made better because of your blog, then it is not a waste of time.
For example, if your blog gets 100 visitors a month, you will probably not make a full-time living from it. However, you still have a chance to change and impact the lives of 100 people every month.
Here is how you can provide real value:
- Understand people’s problems, needs, and pain points then try your best to give them solutions.
- Provide what your competitors are neglecting to provide.
If you do this, the few visitors you have will keep coming back and bring others with them.
5. Set the Right Expectations Right from the Start
Many people come into blogging with some pretty high expectations, mainly because bloggers tend to emphasize the rosier aspects of blogging while glossing over the challenges.
The problem with unrealistic expectations is that you can quickly get discouraged if your expectations are not met. You may feel like you are failing when in reality, you are on the right path.
Before you get into blogging as a full-time business, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
Common unrealistic expectations of blogging
Here are some of the common expectations that might lead to failure.
#1. Thinking that you will make a lot of money quickly
People are attracted to blogging when they read of bloggers making $50k, $100k, and even $200k every month. They believe that they will be making this kind of money in no time.
However, you will probably not make anything near that, especially at the beginning. In fact, 50% of bloggers earn less than $100 a month through blogging.
It helps to set your expectations straight right from the beginning. You can do this by:
- Reading income reports from bloggers in your niche including those who are just starting out. Pay attention to how long they have been blogging before they start making good money.
- Look at website marketplaces like Motion Invest or Flippa to see how much money blogs in your niche make.
- Use keyword tools like Semrush or Keysearch to estimate how much traffic bloggers in your niche get.
#2. Thinking that blogging is easy
Blogging as a hobby can be easy and stress-free because there is no expectation that the blog will support your lifestyle. However, if you plan to live off your blog, you need to put in a lot more effort. This means that:
- Your blog will consume a lot of your time, especially at the beginning. Your social life may begin to suffer and this can lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness.
- You need to do a lot of learning. If you enjoy learning, then this is not a problem. However, you can easily get overwhelmed by how much learning you need to do.
- You lose certainty. With a regular job, you know that your income will come at the end of the month. You work a certain number of hours and make a certain amount of money. With blogging, nothing is guaranteed. You need to be comfortable with uncertainty.
#3. Thinking that success will come quick
Some bloggers write a handful of articles and conclude that blogging does not work when they don’t see much traffic.
It will take time to get decent traffic especially if you rely on SEO traffic from Google. Don’t give up and delete your blog before:
- You have a critical mass of content on your site. Aim to write at least 50-100 high-quality articles that are SEO optimized.
- You have given your content enough time to rank. If you have a new blog, it can take up to 6 months for your articles to start ranking if you have done things well. It can take longer for competitive or YMYL topics.
If you do these things and decide that you still want to quit, you can sell your site in marketplaces like MotionInvest or Flippa and make some money instead of deleting your blog.
6. Adopt a Long-Term Mindset of Success
Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. – Bill Gates, Entrepreneur Quotes
Given that success in blogging is more like a marathon rather than a sprint, you need to plan for the long term.
Give yourself enough time to succeed as you work patiently and doggedly on your blog.
How not to give up too soon
You can rob yourself of success by being too impatient. Here are some strategies you can use to cope with impatience:
#1. Motivate yourself to embrace delayed gratification
Many people sacrifice large and important long-term benefits for small short-term benefits. It is how our brains work; we lose motivation when things seem to be taking too long. You can re-wire your brain to pursue long-term benefits by:
- Having an exciting vision. Your goal for having a blog should be exciting enough to keep you going even when you don’t see immediate benefits.
- Creating and celebrating small milestones. When you are working on a long-term project, your end goal can seem too far and this can be discouraging. Deliberately set and celebrate smaller milestones that contribute to your final goal.
- Resetting your expectations. When you have the right estimate of how long it takes to accomplish something, you can prepare yourself mentally.
#2. Consistently take action
When you are not consistent in taking action, you can easily get frustrated at your lack of progress. Create consistency by:
- Building habits. When you build a habit, you don’t have to rely on willpower to do things. You can build a habit by doing a task every day, for example, by sitting down to write every day.
- Starting small. If you find it difficult to consistently take action, you can start small and build from there. For example, if you cannot write for one hour every day, you can try writing for 30 minutes.
- Tracking your progress. You will be more motivated to work on something as long as you see some progress.
#3. Go at your own pace
When you try to rush towards success, you can easily get overwhelmed and suffer burnout. You need to:
- Avoid comparing yourself with others. Comparing yourself with others will only leave you feeling frustrated at your slow progress. Be comfortable with the fact that some people will start blogging later than you but make more money faster than you.
- Enjoy the process. The journey matters more than the destination. If you don’t enjoy many of the activities that come with running a blogging business, you are better off doing something else.
- Avoid doing too many things. Focus on the tasks that will have the most impact on your business. If you do too many things, you will end up with many half-finished projects.
- Take regular breaks. If you find yourself getting bored or losing interest, it is okay to take a break and work on something else you enjoy. Once you feel rejuvenated, you can come back and put in 100% of your effort.
7. Have a Pivot Plan
Your blogging business will sometimes fail despite your best efforts. Rather than giving up on blogging entirely, you should explore ways that you can change your strategy to take advantage of other opportunities in blogging.
Don’t wait for your blog to fail before you develop a pivot strategy.
As you progress on your blogging journey, you will come across new opportunities and ideas. You need to capture these ideas and record them somewhere for future use.
Examples of how you can pivot effectively in your blogging business
There are several simple ways you can pivot in your blogging business.
#1. Change your niche
Your niche can make the difference between a thriving blogging business and a blog that is barely scraping by.
If you are unable to make enough income from your blog, you can pivot by tapping into more profitable niches. When choosing a niche, ensure that:
- You can monetize your niche. It is easier to make money in some niches compared to others.
- You can get traffic. Some niches are too competitive and getting traffic is a chore. If you are a beginner blogger, it might be better to go for the low-hanging fruit until you get more experience.
- You are interested in the niche. If you are not interested in your niche, you might find it difficult to create content even if you are in a profitable niche.
You can pivot your niche by tapping other related sub-niches or you can go into an entirely different niche by starting a new blog.
#2. Diversify your income sources
Many bloggers, especially beginner bloggers, do not take full advantage of all the ways of making money from their blogs.
You could be leaving money on the table by failing to diversify your sources of income. You need to:
- Explore and test other monetization methods. Apart from Ads, there are many other ways to make money with your blog including affiliate marketing or offering your own products and services.
- Look for higher-paying offers. For example, if you use Google AdSense for your ad revenue, you can increase your income by signing up for a premium ad network like Ezoic.
#3. Tap into other sources of traffic
Google traffic is one of the best sources of traffic. If you can master how to leverage Google effectively, you can have access to cheap, long-term traffic. However, you should also think about diversifying your sources of traffic by:
- Starting a YouTube channel. Competition tends to be lower in YouTube and you can use it to drive traffic to your blog. The other advantage of YouTube is that it can generate additional income through YouTube ads.
- Building an email list. The great thing about an email list is that you own it and it is not affected by algorithm changes. You can use a beginner-friendly email service like to get started for free.
- Targeting social media. Some kinds of topics do well with social media traffic. For example, where images feature prominently, leveraging Pinterest can be an advantage.
8. Keep Your Motivation High
Failure, especially repeated failure, can crush any motivation to keep going. You may start to feel like you are wasting your time on something that will probably never work.
When you lose hope, you become vulnerable to quitting. You can get out of a quitting mindset by looking for different sources of motivation.
How to motivate yourself when facing failure
Here are some simple things you can do to keep yourself motivated when things don’t seem to be working out.
#1. Remind yourself of your why
Blogging has numerous benefits if you are willing to push through the initial hurdles. It is important to remind yourself of these benefits from time to time.
If you are struggling to see why blogging matters, check out the following articles:
As you go through the benefits, ask yourself:
- What are your core values?
- What kind of lifestyle do you want?
- What kind of income do you want?
- Who do you want to impact?
You can structure your blogging business around your core values and intended lifestyle.
# 2. Clear your doubts about blogging as a way to make money online
When you are starting out blogging, you will probably have doubts as to whether you can make a living through blogging in the long term. You may have questions like:
- Does blogging work as a business model?
- Are people making money in blogging?
- Does blogging have a future long term?
I have written extensively about these issues so I will point you to the articles below if you have doubts about the long-term viability of blogging.
- Is blogging dead? Why blogging is still a great opportunity
- How much do bloggers really earn?
- Future of blogging
#3. Read blogger success stories
Your fellow bloggers have probably gone through or are going through the same problems you are facing. You can follow the journeys of other bloggers by studying their income reports. The advantage of reading income reports is:
- They give a good insight into the growth and progress of a blog.
- They are great for identifying challenges that you are likely to face and solutions to those challenges.
- They are inspiring because they give hope that you too can succeed if you put in the effort.
Check out my article with over 70 blogger income reports here.
In addition to reading income reports, you can join groups and forums where bloggers discuss their challenges and successes.
#4. Read inspirational quotes and biographies
You can get a lot of insight on how to be successful by reading the biographies and quotes of successful people. The benefits of doing this are plenty including:
- You start to adopt the mindset and belief systems of people who have succeeded despite big hurdles.
- You begin to appreciate the value of struggling for something worthwhile.
- You get free coaching from some of the world’s top minds.
Check out my collection of over 230 inspirational quotes for entrepreneurs. You can also check out my collection of over 170 inspirational quotes for writers.
9. Avoid Personalizing Success or Failure
Personalizing successes sets people up for disastrous failure. They begin to treat the successes totally as a personal reflection of their abilities rather than the result of capitalizing on a good opportunity, being at the right place at the right time, or even being just plain lucky. – Brendan Moynihan, Entrepreneur Quotes
Tying your self-identity to the outcome of your efforts, whether good or bad can be a double-edged sword.
When you succeed, you gain a lot of confidence in yourself because you believe that you are the source of your success. Similarly, when you fail, you lose confidence in yourself and blame yourself for the failure.
With blogging, as with most other worthwhile ventures, you are likely to spend most of your time failing. If your self-identity is tied too much to the outcome, failure can end up destroying your confidence and make you hesitant to take risks.
How to fail without viewing yourself as a failure
#1. Dissociate your self-identity from the outcome of your business
You need to find a balance between taking responsibility for your failure or success while at the same time avoiding basing your self-identity entirely on your successes or failures.
Failure is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night. – Zig Ziglar
It is futile to base your self-identity on your outcomes because:
- Success or failure can come from many other factors that may have nothing to do with your abilities. Many of these factors may be out of your control. Similarly, you can succeed despite your failings.
- When you work on a difficult goal, chances are high that you will spend most of your time failing. If your identity is tied out outcomes and you experience repeated failure, your self-worth will be damaged. It helps to remember that failure is an event, not a person.
- If you fear failure, you will try to protect your ego by avoiding difficult things. You will only work on things that you are assured of success and this can limit how far you can go. What is more important to you, achieving your full potential or protecting your ego?
#2. Do not berate and constantly beat yourself up
One result of personalizing failure is that you end up punishing yourself by berating and beating yourself up in your head. You think that by doing this, you can shame yourself into success. But this is the wrong approach because:
- You reinforce your sense of being a failure.
- You develop a fear of trying new things and taking risks.
- It can take a toll on your mental health and leave you feeling beaten and drained.
A better approach is to be kind to yourself.
You don’t train a child to walk by beating and berating them every time they fall. Instead, you encourage and applaud them every time they make progress.
Use the same strategy when dealing with your failures.
#3. Re-frame your narrative about failing
There is a lot of stigma regarding failure in many cultures. Failure is seen as something to be ashamed of. You will need to do a lot of work to re-frame your mental narrative regarding failure. Here are some examples of narratives you can re-frame.
- I’m afraid people will laugh at me. Those who laugh at you when you fail will call you a genius when you eventually succeed.
- If I fail, people will think I am stupid. If a goal is important enough to you, you should try and accomplish it even if the chances of you failing and looking stupid are high. Don’t let what people think deter you from pursuing something that is potentially beneficial.
- Failure will make me lose confidence in myself. You have the power to choose how you react to failure. You can choose to beat yourself up or to embrace failure and look at growth opportunities.
10. Persevere through Failure
Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. –Samuel Johnson, Entrepreneur Quotes
Ability to persevere through failure is the biggest differentiator between those who fail at blogging and those who succeed spectacularly.
When you look at bloggers making a full-time income, you are struck by how normal they are. They are former teachers, nurses, paramedics, or stay-at-home parents.
They were successful because they persevered through failure. They all went through a phase when nothing was working out for them but they chose to stick it out. They worked hard and patiently over several years, delivering valuable content to their visitors.
Success in blogging is like rolling the dice. The more times you roll the dice, the more likely you are to hit a six. Most of your rolls will be misses but you only have to be right once.
Why you are likely to fail as a beginner blogger?
Here’s why you are likely to fail as a beginner:
- You will make beginner mistakes. If you have never done something before, expecting to succeed on your first try is unrealistic (see common beginner blogging mistakes).
- You will have unrealistic expectations. If you get into blogging without doing proper research, you may be blindsided by its disadvantages. It is important to be mentally prepared for the challenges of blogging.
- You have not developed the skills, habits, and mindset necessary for success. These take time to develop.
Given that failure in blogging is almost guaranteed, you might as well embrace it.
Why you should embrace failure in your blogging business
Embracing failure in your blogging business is beneficial because:
#1. Failure is the gatekeeper to success
Failure only lets through the people who are willing to pay the price of entry. If you are willing to endure failure better than most, you will break through the gate.
Adopt the attitude that failure is part of the process rather than the end of the process. You are not a failure but a success in progress.
#2. Failure teaches valuable lessons
You can learn more from failure than from success. Failure can be an indication that:
- You need a better strategy. Failure exposes bad strategies. Sometimes it can be difficult to spot a bad strategy because some bad strategies will work well for a while before eventually failing. The faster you get off the wrong path, the better.
- You have found your limits. Recognizing your limits will prompt you to collaborate with others who are good at what you are weak at.
#3. Failure reduces your competition
Blogging, especially in some niches, can be fiercely competitive. The competitive niches also tend to be the most lucrative. This competition can be a good thing if you can persevere through failure because:
- It can act as a barrier to entry. It kicks out those people who get into blogging expecting quick wins.
- You can beat your competition by simply outlasting them. Your aim should be to be the last person standing.
#4. Failure keeps you sharp
When you are always successful, you can start to take things for granted and complacency will start to creep in.
This prevents you from attaining your maximum potential and when strong competitors come in, they will annihilate you. Failure is beneficial because it will:
- Keep you on your toes and eager to improve.
- Help you to develop the stamina and mental strength needed for extremely difficult tasks.
- Protect you against developing a fixed mindset where you start to believe that you are naturally gifted. That success is guaranteed even if you slack off. For more on fixed and growth mindsets, read Carol Dweck’s excellent book Mindsets
11. Use Failure for Personal Growth
All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me. – Walt Disney, Entrepreneur Quotes
Would you be happy if you could succeed at everything you do on your first try?
Everyone would probably consider you to be a talented genius and you would make a lot of money. So what’s the catch?
The biggest problem I see with effortless success is that it could stunt your personal growth.
Effortless success can rob you of the benefits of having to struggle for something worthwhile.
While no one would deliberately want to fail, if it happens, you can use it to grow yourself and become a better version of yourself.
Explore how you can use failure to move you closer to the person you want to become.
How failure can help you grow in life and business
Here are some of the ways that failure can help you in your life and business.
#1. It forces you to tap your creativity to overcome obstacles
Creativity, just like any other skill, requires regular practice. However, when things go smoothly, we tend to operate on autopilot and our creativity lies dormant.
However, when you meet a challenge that you have never faced before, you are forced to look outside the box and use your creativity to find solutions. In your blogging business, for example, you can practice using your creativity to:
- Solve your audience’s problems and meet their needs.
- Come up with innovative products and services.
- Create effective marketing campaigns.
#2. It can help you develop mental toughness
If you want to get stronger physically, you go to the gym. If you want to get mentally strong, you expose yourself to challenges.
Failure puts a strain on you and strengthens you so that you can grow and handle even bigger challenges. Through trying and failing, you learn how to:
- Think for yourself and take responsibility for your actions.
- Persevere and press on even when the odds are against you.
- Develop techniques to cope with the stress of failing.
#3. It desensitizes you to the fear of failure
The fear of failure can prevent you from taking advantage of new opportunities that could be beneficial for you in your personal and business life.
If you regularly put yourself in a situation where you are likely to fail, you start to lose the fear of failure.
You can manage your fear more effectively because you:
- Learn to trust yourself to handle challenges. You become aware of your capabilities and limitations.
- Develop mechanisms to control your fear.
- Develop faith that you will come out the other side because you have done it before.
Final Thoughts
Given that 50% of bloggers will fail at making money in blogging, you have to be prepared to fail your way to success.
Learning to fail, therefore, will be one of the important skills for you to master as a blogger.
If your blog is failing, understand that failure is not the end of things but rather the beginning of bigger and better things.
Given the immense benefits that come with running a blogging business, it is worth pushing through your failure.
The strategies I have talked about in this post will help you in your blogging journey and in any other difficult venture you undertake in life. They will give you a foundation from which you can overcome failure and the fear of failure.
Blogger Earnings
Is Blogging Worth It? 12 Compelling Reasons to Start a Blog for Profit in 2025
When it comes to making money online, it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the options that are available out there.
Should you open a store on Shopify? Fill out online surveys? Write an e-book? Make an app? Start a YouTube channel? Start a podcast? Become a social media influencer?
It is not that easy to distinguish between what works and what is a complete waste of time.
Why you should start a blog
Blogging has been proven time and time again as a great way of making money online. There is a lot of evidence (in form of income reports and income surveys) that will show you how much you can earn from blogging.
Also, check out the following statistics (source: Blogging Statistics)
- In 2020, there were 31.7 million bloggers in the United States (an increase from 27.4m in 2014). This means that roughly 10% of Americans are bloggers.
- The content marketing industry was estimated to be worth US$300.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow to US$723.6 Billion by 2026.
- Nearly half (47%) of Global shoppers say they use Google before buying something new.
What these statistics show is that blogging is still very popular and that there is still a lot of opportunity for growth.
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In this article, I want to dive deep into the reasons why you should consider starting a blogging business if you want to make a full-time or healthy side income online.
If you are interested in how you can quickly set up your blog, check out my article on how to start a blog the right way.
1. You Can Make a Full-Time Income Online
When you look at results from blogger surveys, roughly 15% of bloggers make a full-time income online (over $30,000 a year) while 31% make a decent side income ($500 a month).
But what is even more exciting is that your income has no ceiling. Top bloggers (as revealed see income reports), regularly make over a million dollars a year. Here are a few examples.
- Melyssa Griffin (Melyssa Griffin): $280k+ pm.
- Heather Delaney Reese (It’s a lovely life): $220k+ per month.
- Michelle Schroeder-Gardner (Making Sense of Cents): 140k+ per month.
- Kristin Larsen (Believe in a Budget): $100k+ per month.
- Adam Enfroy (Adam Enfroy) $100k + per month.
These top bloggers make in a month what a top surgeon would make in a year. Not too bad.
You probably won’t be making this kind of income right away but these examples show what is possible with the right knowledge, hard work, and persistence.
Factors that make blogging great at scaling income
Why are these bloggers able to make these crazy amounts of money? It is because they leverage certain advantages of blogging that make it easy to scale income. These include:
#1. Ability to leverage the internet
With the internet, you can market to a global audience 24/7. Your blog makes money for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week even when you are not actively working. Compared to a business with employees, your blog never sleeps. Neither does it go on holiday, get tired or get sick.
With blogging, you don’t have to restrict yourself to your little corner of the world. You can reach anyone anywhere in the world anytime you want.
#2. The compounding effect of time
A blog compounds your income with time, much like compound interest. A blog post that you write today can keep earning you money for the next 10 years.
With a job or freelance work, you are paid only once for your effort. With blogging, you get paid again and again for the same amount of effort. And your income compounds as you write more blog posts.
#3. The rapid growth of the digital marketing and e-commerce
More and more people are now doing their shopping online. In 2021, 2.14 billion people shopped online. This represents 27.6% of the global population (Blogging Statistics).
When people shop online, you have to market to them online. This explains why digital marketing has been exploding.
In 2019, total spending on digital ads (mainly through content marketing) surpassed that of traditional advertising (TV, Radio, Print) and is now the predominant form of marketing. It is expected to account for 67.8% of all media ad spend by 2024 (Blogging Statistics).
This means that if you want to get some of these marketing dollars, you need to be involved in content marketing. Blogging is one of the best ways to start with content marketing and new opportunities are opening up every day.
For more on this, check out my article Is blogging dead?
2. It Is Cheap and Easy To Start a Blogging Business
Entrepreneurship is scary for most people because of the huge starting costs for most businesses. And the more money you put in, the bigger the risk for you.
With a blogging business, however, the cost of starting and running your business is so low that anyone can start it. You don’t need bank loans, employees, permits, specialized equipment, certifications, or building leases.
This means that you can start a blog from your savings or by borrowing from your family and friends. The other advantage is that you can get very high profit margins.
To start a basic WordPress blog, you need less than $60 a year. This is mainly for:
- Webhosting. This will take the biggest chunk of your budget (Roughly $50 a year or $4 a month). Webhosting companies like ChemiCloud offer reliable services and give great discounts from time to time (check for a discount).
- Domain name. This is the name of your blog (such as This will cost you roughly $10 a year.
Check out my step-by-step guide on starting a blog to see how you can start a blog for $60 or less.
Why blogging is easy to start and run
There are many reasons why blogging is so cheap to start and run including:
#1. You can get very cheap outsourcing services
With blogging, you have access to cheap outsourcing services which eliminates the need to have employees and deal with payroll or taxes.
You can outsource most of your blogging tasks on a platform like Fiverr for as low as $5. Some of the tasks you can outsource include: writing blog posts, creating logos, creating blog images, web design, website troubleshooting, and blog post editing among many others. (check out Fiverr for more)
#2. Many free and freemium tools
For almost every task you want to do on your blog, there is probably a free tool you can use. Some of the tools are full-featured while some operate on a freemium model where they offer a free version that is a scaled-down version of the paid version.
Here are just a few examples of how blogging tools can drastically cut down on your costs.
- A WordPress theme like Kadence (available as free or paid) replaces the need to hire an expensive web designer.
- A grammar editing tool like Grammarly (available as free or paid) replaces the need to hire an editor for your blog posts.
- A graphic design tool like Visme (available as free or paid) replaces the need to hire a graphic designer to make your logos, infographics, or images for your blog.
#3. Cheap or free learning resources
There are numerous learning resources for blogging, many of which are freely or cheaply available online. You can do most of your learning for free on YouTube or you can subscribe to an affordable course platform like Skillshare.
Skillshare has thousands of courses that you can access at a reasonable monthly fee. It is like the Netflix of courses (check it out here).
3. The Cost of Failure is Low
Most entrepreneurial ventures have a high failure rate. According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, 45% of businesses fail within the first five years, and 65% fail within the first 10 years. [1]
When you have no experience starting or running a business, it is unlikely that you will succeed on your first try because you lack the skills and tools necessary to run a successful business.
The downside of failure is that you can easily find yourself deep in debt. This can ruin your reputation and may even lead to the collapse of your family. Also, it can take you years before you get your life back on track.
With blogging, you can dip your toes into entrepreneurship without incurring a lot of the costs and risks.
Why the cost of failure is low with blogging
The low cost of starting and running a blog means that you can fail without getting into debt. But there are also other advantages that greatly reduce the impact of failure in blogging.
#1. You can sell your blog and recover some of the costs
There is a big market for buying and selling blogs on sites like Motion Invest, Flippa, or Empire flippers. You can sell your blog for 25 to 40 times the monthly income. For example, if your blog makes $1,000 a month, you can sell it for between $25,000 and $40,000.
So, if your blog is failing, don’t delete it. Investigate how much you can get for it by selling it in these marketplaces.
#2. You gain numerous skills
Blogging can take a lot of your time and if your blog fails, you can feel like you wasted your time. However, if you do blogging the right way, you can gain many transferable skills.
Transferable skills are skills that can be used to apply for jobs across many different industries or even to start other businesses.
Some of the lucrative transferable skills you gain from blogging include: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Copywriting, Web design, Graphic Design, Affiliate Marketing, and Server Management among many others.
So, take advantage of the time you spend in blogging to learn valuable skills that will help you later on.
#3. You can pivot
Even if your first blog fails (which it is likely to do), you learn so much about blogging that your second and third blogs have a much higher chance of success. Given that it doesn’t cost much to start a blog, you can keep starting blogs until you hit on the magic formula. You only have to be right once.
If you have time and patience, you can use the knowledge you get from past failures to position yourself for success.
Check out my article on how to deal with failure in blogging for more tips and ideas to help you protect yourself against failure in your blogging business.
4. You Can Blog Anonymously and Still Make Money
If you are the kind of person who wants to make money without a lot of fuss or attention, then blogging is for you. You can make a decent income while remaining fairly anonymous.
For example, JP Livingstone (a pseudonym) is an anonymous personal finance blogger who makes over 5k a month (see her profile on income reports). Others such as J Money have made millions blogging anonymously.
However, it is much easier to make money blogging if you don’t hide yourself. When you put yourself out there and market yourself, you gain trust and authority and this can be quite lucrative. But there are several good reasons why you may want to remain anonymous.
Why would you want to remain anonymous while blogging?
Here’s why you may choose to blog anonymously.
- Avoiding conflict of interest. For example, you may not your side-hustle to clash with your day job.
- Privacy concerns, especially if you don’t enjoy public attention. Even if you are a very successful blogger, you can still walk anywhere and not get recognized.
- Cancel culture. These days, you can have your entire life turned upside down because of a careless word you wrote online. This is especially true if you write about controversial and sensitive topics.
- Avoiding scammers and crooks. If your business makes good money, it can attract a lot of shady characters that are after your money. Anonymity removes the headache of dealing with these kinds of people.
Strategies you can use to blog anonymously
There are many strategies that you can use to blog anonymously but here are the most common.
#1. Secure your blog against hacking
If someone doesn’t like what you blog about, they can resort to hacking your blog to discover your identity. Or they can deface your blog with embarrassing information or images. You can secure your blog by:
- Using a strong password. You can use a password manager like 1password to generate strong passwords.
- Regularly updating your themes and plugins
- Using a security plugin such as All In One Wp Security (free) or Astra security(paid).
#2. Secure your private information
You need to be careful about what personal information you reveal online especially if you have a controversial blog.
- Use a pseudonym instead of your real name.
- Don’t use your home address online. You can use a P.O.Box address or a virtual address from services like Anytime Mailbox.
- Enable protection when buying your domain name. This prevents your personal contact information from being displayed on records.
#3. Adopt personal online hygiene
If you are careless with your personal information online, you can unwittingly expose a lot of your personal information.
- Use a VPN, especially when using public wifi. A VPN will mask your IP address and encrypts your internet traffic. A good VPN you can try is Nord VPN.
- Before you enter your information on any website, ensure that it is secured with the ‘HTTPS’ protocol. You can tell if a website is secure if it has the prefix ‘HTTPS’ before the domain name e.g.
- Avoid clicking on suspicious links. A lot of phishing attacks try to trick you into clicking malicious links.
5. You Can Have Control of Your Income
Having control of your income is crucial when making money online.
If your entire business model runs on someone else’s platform, you run a huge risk of waking up one day and finding that your entire business has disappeared.
For example, if you rely on YouTube or Facebook for your entire income, you are vulnerable because if you get banned by these platforms, your entire income goes away. You also lose all your subscribers, comments, likes and all your content.
All your years of hard work will have been wasted.
How to take control of your blogging income
With a blog, you can protect yourself against such events. Here is what you can do.
#1. Choose the right platform when starting a blog
Create your blog on WordPress ( This is a free and open-source platform that will not put restrictions on you. If you start your blog on other commercial and free platforms, you hand over control.
- They can shut you down anytime.
- They can restrict which kinds of adverts or affiliate links you put on your site.
- They can encrypt your data in a way that makes it difficult to move to another platform.
Starting a blog using WordPress is simple. Check out my guide on starting a blog on WordPress the right way.
#2. Build an email list
Google, YouTube, and other social media platforms are great sources of traffic; however, you have no control over how they operate.
An email list is the only thing you can control. If all your traffic from Google and social media suddenly disappears but you have an email list, you can still make an income from that list. The great thing about an email list is that no one can take that list from you.
If you are a beginner, you can use an email service like to start creating your email list (they have a free option).
#3. Create your own groups
Groups are a step up from an email list. Groups will enable your audience to interact with each other. You can form a group where you charge members a monthly fee to be part of your group or you can keep your group free.
You can use a service like Memberpress to set up a subscription group.
6. You Can Generate Income from Multiple Sources
Wealthy people protect themselves from unforeseeable events by having multiple sources of income. If one source disappears, they have several others to fall back on. In fact, the average millionaire has seven sources of income.
In addition to protecting yourself against unforeseen events, having multiple sources of income can also help you to generate wealth much quicker.
Blogging, if done well, can help you to diversify your income in a variety of ways.
Potential blogging income sources
Here are some of the potential income sources you can target with your blog.
- Selling crafts (such as patterns, sculptures, artwork) on your blog.
- Making money from display ads using Google AdSense or a premium ad network like Ezoic (great for beginners).
- Selling subscriptions or membership products using a service like Memberpress.
- Selling digital products (ebooks, software, photos, posters, beats, etc). You can use a service like Payhip for this.
- Selling online courses through a service like Thinkific.
- Selling physical products by drop shipping or setting up a Shopify store.
How can you diversify your income from blogging?
As you diversify your income sources, you need to ensure that you are truly diversified. You can do this by.
#1. Diversifying monetization platforms
Don’t lock yourself on only one monetization platform. For example, if you create an Amazon affiliate site, you are vulnerable to commission rate cuts from Amazon. Amazon could also decide to cancel their affiliate program.
You can avoid this by diversifying the platforms that you make money from by:
- Building your own platform, for example, by using your WordPress blog to sell your own products using WooCommerce.
- Applying to different affiliate networks.
- Leveraging different ad networks.
#2. Diversifying niches
You can diversify by creating blogs in different niches. When one of your blogs is not doing well, the income from your other blogs can help you to weather the storm.
However, it is important not to start several sites at a go because it can be overwhelming and lead to failure. Put effort into one site until it succeeds then move into another one.
#3. Diversifying how you deliver your content
People like consuming content in a variety of ways and you can use your blog as a foundation for creating content in different formats. For example, you can re-purpose your content as YouTube videos, social media content, podcasts or email newsletters.
By doing this, your blog becomes a hub for everything you do online.
7. Blogging Is Great for Entrepreneurs that Hate Selling
Learning how to sell is an important skill to learn, especially if you plan to become an entrepreneur. The benefits of learning how to sell are numerous. For example, you can:
- Market other people’s products and services through affiliate marketing.
- Create your own products and services and sell them online.
- Create your own brick-and-mortar business and use blogging as a marketing tool.
However, for many people, selling can be difficult or intimidating. If you dislike the idea of traditional sales, selling online through blogging can be an easier alternative for you.
Why blogging is great for people that hate selling
Fortunately, selling online through blogging is not as difficult as traditional sales. There are several reasons for this.
#1. You attract customers rather than chasing after them
With blogging, you attract customers by providing valuable content that addresses their needs. You act as a bridge between people’s problems and products and services that can solve those problems.
If you can become good at writing valuable content, then you can say goodbye to knocking on doors or making awkward phone calls.
#2. You don’t need high-pressure sales tactics
You don’t have to be pushy with your marketing. Your main task is to clearly communicate the benefits of a product or service and then let people make their own decisions.
If you have done a good job of demonstrating (through your content) that you understand your reader’s problems, then they will buy what you recommend as a solution.
#3. The sting of rejection is much less
Facing sales rejection in the anonymity of the internet may be easier for people compared to face-to-face rejection.
If you fear the embarrassment of having your pitches rejected, selling online can be a gentle introduction to facing sales rejection.
#4. You can leverage the strengths of online selling
Selling online is great for learning how to sell because you can leverage two main strengths of online selling.
- The easy availability of data and analytics to make better decisions.
- The ease of testing ideas without spending too much money.
The ability to test and validate is crucial in sales and marketing because it takes the guesswork out of the process. It helps you to weed out unworkable suggestions and ideas.
8. You Can Do Blogging Part-Time
If you went to your boss and asked for a $6,000 raise, he or she would think you have gone crazy. After all, the average annual raise in the US is around 3%. For a 35k job, that would be $1,000 a year.
Give yourself a raise
But you can give yourself a raise anytime you want by creating a side income. The challenge is getting a side-hustle that can make you a decent side income without taking too much of your time.
Data from blogger surveys show that 31% of bloggers make an extra $500 a month ($6,000 a year). The data also shows that a majority of bloggers spend less than 20 hours a week on their blog with established bloggers spending less than 5 hours a week.
Why you should consider blogging part-time
Here’s why you may want to start blogging part-time.
- You want to test the waters without risking quitting your job.
- You love your job but you want a little extra money on the side.
- You want to explore your interests and passions.
- You want to acquire new skills.
Strategies for successful part-time blogging
Making part-time blogging work for you can be a challenge but you can use the following tips to get you started.
#1. Create time for blogging
You need 1 to 2 hours a day to start working on your blog. You can make extra time to blog by:
- Waking up earlier or sleeping later than you usually do.
- Tracking how you use your time and reducing activities that waste your time (like watching TV).
- Multi-tasking non-crucial tasks, for example, you can listen to a podcast or an audiobook while doing house chores or commuting to and from work (Check out audiobooks on Audible for free).
- Using your lunch break for learning using a platform like Skillshare.
#2. Work productively
If you have only a few hours to do your blogging, then you have to be very efficient in how you use those hours. You can work productively by:
- Prioritizing the most important tasks first (following the 80/20 rule).
- Avoiding distractions such as wasting time on the internet or social media.
- Blocking your time to enable deep work.
#3. Get jobs that are compatible with blogging
If you find it difficult to find time for blogging, you can look for a job that is more compatible with blogging. Examples of jobs that work well with blogging are:
- High downtime jobs such as working as a night receptionist.
- Freelance jobs. You can freelance on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
- Seasonal work such as working at a summer camp.
- Shift work such as bar-tending where you can work nights and blog during the day.
- Jobs with long holidays such as teaching.
9. You Can Create a Location Independent Business
With a regular job or small business, you are tied down to working from a particular area, town, state, or country. In a digital economy, you no longer need to restrict yourself to a particular place.
A 2019 survey by MBO Partners found that more than 7.4 million Americans described themselves as digital nomads. Furthermore, 83 percent of full-time independent workers reported working remotely at least some of the time and 37 percent work remotely full-time. [2]
This shows that the trend towards remote work is growing and blogging can help to tap into this trend of location independence.
Benefits of creating a location independent business
There are several reasons why you might want to invest in a business that does not tie you down to one place
#1. You want to accelerate wealth creation.
If you want to build wealth relatively quickly, you should consider leveraging the power of geographical arbitrage. It is a strategy used a lot in the F.I.R.E (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement. You can save a lot of money by de-linking your location from your income generation. You can do this by:
- Targeting income opportunities in high-paying countries (such as the US) while living in a country or state where the cost of living is low.
- Moving to a country or state where the taxes are low.
- Moving to a place where you get value for your money. For example, you can move somewhere warm where you can get an apartment that is twice as large for less.
#2. You could get an injury or an illness that restricts you (or a loved one)
If you or someone you love has an illness or a disability that makes it difficult to function in a traditional job, life can become unbearably challenging.
Since you can do blogging from home, it can help you take care of a loved one while still contributing to society and earning money.
If you are the one with an illness or disability, blogging can give you the flexibility to work when you feel the most refreshed. Blogger John Morrow, the founder of Smart Blogger, is paralyzed from the neck down yet he has managed to make millions from blogging.
#3. You may want to spend time quality time with your children.
The high cost of modern life forces parents to spend long hours away from their children. Many children are left to their own devices.
With blogging, you can plan your time so that you can make money while still taking care of your children. There are many examples of stay-at-home moms who earn a decent income while taking care of their kids.
10. You Can Use Your Blog as an Investment Asset
A blog is an asset you can trade, much like any other hard asset such as land, stocks, or real estate.
While many asset classes can be expensive to acquire, blogs are cheap and easy to start. They also have other advantages such as:
- Blogs are fairly liquid assets. If you have an emergency and you need cash in a hurry, you can sell your blog in marketplaces like Motion Invest, Flippa, or Empire Flippers.
- You can get good returns on your investments. Typically, you can sell your blog for anywhere between 25 to 40 times the value of your monthly income. The quicker you grow your monthly income, the higher the value of your blog.
- The selling process is easy. The process of selling your blog is easy especially if you created your blog on the right platform. It is best if you create your blog using WordPress (see how to do it here).
How to leverage your blog as an investment asset
There are several strategies you can employ if you want to exploit your blogs as assets.
#1. Build and hold
With a build and hold strategy, your goal is to build up your blog (or several blogs) from scratch. As you continue to add content, the value of your blogs will continue to grow.
With several blog assets at your disposal, you can now sell when the market conditions are right or when you need a quick injection of cash.
#2. Buy and Flip
With this strategy, you buy a blog from one of the marketplaces and then you improve it with the aim of selling it later. The equivalent of this in real estate is buying a fixer-upper.
Some of the improvements you can make include increasing content, diversifying income, and sorting out technical issues.
#3. Scale and cash in
This is where you scale your blog into a big brand with the intention of selling it for big bucks. You approach blogging much in the way you would build a start-up.
11. You Can Scale Your Blogging Business into a Multi-Million Dollar Enterprise
How far you decide to take your blogging business is up to you. You can keep it as a side hustle and earn a couple of thousand dollars a month or scale it into a multi-million dollar media business.
There are many examples of people who have scaled small blogs into multi-million dollar businesses. Notable examples are:
- TechCrunch. It was founded by Michael Arrington in 2005 and sold to AOL in 2010 for $40 million.[3]
- Huffington Post. It was founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington and three other partners and was acquired by AOL for US$315 million in 2011.[4]
Why scale a blog?
Scaling a blog can be difficult and risky but there are some good reasons why you might want to do it, for example;
- You want to sell it and cash in. Scaling a blog can bring in serious money and if you want to retire early, this is the way to do it.
- You want to have the experience of running a huge business. Running your blog like a multi-million dollar media company will give you skills that you cannot get from running a solo blog.
- You want to have a bigger influence on society. If you have aspirations to change the world, having a big blog is like having a huge megaphone. You can use it to push your ideas into the world.
How to scale a blogging business
Once you have a blogging formula that works, it is time to add fuel to the fire and scale. There are several ways you can scale your blogging business including:
#1. Scaling content
Scaling content will help you increase the number of visitors that come to your blog. You can scale content by:
- Increasing the amount of content you produce. You can do this by hiring more writers (as employees or freelancers) or by leveraging A.I writers like Jasper.
- Targeting different languages and regions. You can do this by having your blog translated into other languages or by using A.I. translator plugins like Weglot.
#2. Scaling by creating multiple blogs
Once your main blog has matured, you can scale your blogging business by creating several other blogs. The advantage of scaling this way is.
- You can diversify your risk by not putting all your eggs in one basket.
- It can be much more interesting especially if you easily get bored with doing one thing.
- You can exploit several underserved niches even if they are completely unrelated to each other.
You however need to be careful not to get into many projects at the same time as this will split your focus and lead to failure.
#3. Scaling through advertising
If you have money coming into your blogging business, you can re-invest it to scale your traffic and income through advertising. There are many forms of advertising you can target such as:
- Google Pay-per-click (PPC) ads.
- Facebook ads.
- Paid influencers.
Advertising can work well but it requires some skill to pull off. To advertise profitably, you need to regularly assess your ROI (return on investment) otherwise you could end up losing a lot of money.
12. You Can Use Your Blog to Diversify Into Other Businesses
You can use your blog as a platform to launch other businesses either online or offline. Many bloggers such as Rand Fishkin (founder of Moz), Nathan Barry (founder of Convertkit), and Syed Balkhi (founder of Monster Insights) have leveraged the success of their blogs to establish successful online and offline businesses.
Rand Fishkin, for example, started his blog (SEOMoz) in 2004 to provide information on various aspects of SEO. Fishkin was able to leverage his brand and expertise into a $40 million a year SEO software business (Moz). [5]
How you can leverage a blog to start or grow your business
Starting a business can be an expensive and intimidating affair. However, a blog can make the process much easier and less risky in the following ways.
#1. Use a blog to generate starting capital
If you do your blogging the right way, you can generate a lot of money. You can use this money to start and maintain your offline business without resorting to expensive loans.
#2. Building contacts in the industry
Blogging is great for making contacts within your industry. When you start out in any business, getting people to trust you can be difficult. However, if you have been providing value over the years through your blog, you will build a network of collaborators who can help you in launching your business.
#3. Testing the market
You can use your blog to test and validate business ideas before spending too much money on them. For example, you can make a stripped-down version of your product or service to see if people will be interested in it.
The advantage of this is that you will have a ready market by the time you are ready to launch the full-featured product.
#4. Building skills you can use in your business
You gain transferable skills that you can apply to your offline business. The blog business will act as the training wheels for your offline business. Some of the skills you learn include:
- How to market products and services through content marketing.
- Selling products and services online through creating online stores.
- How to bring in visitors through SEO.
Final Thoughts
Finding a legit way to make a decent income online can be challenging. Blogging, however, has proved itself as a reliable way to make money online.
You can get started with blogging on a part-time basis to see if you have sufficient interest to sustain it. Aim to build it to a level where it can earn you a decent side income and eventually a full-time income.
If you wish to start a blog but feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to start, check out my step-by-step guide that will take you through the entire process of starting a blog.
Blogger Earnings
Anne Lamott Biography
Anne Lamott is an American novelist and non-fiction writer. She is the best-selling author of books like Bird by Bird, Hard Laughter, and Operating Instructions.
She has written at least 19 fiction and non-fiction books and numerous essays. A former alcoholic, Lamott writes on difficult topics like alcoholism, Christianity, depression, and motherhood, usually with self-deprecating humor.
Lamott was born on April 10, 1954 in San Francisco, California. Her father, Ken Lamott, was also a writer. She attended Drew School and Goucher College in Maryland.
She wrote her first book, Hard Laughter, in 1979 prompted by her father’s brain cancer diagnosis. In her words, the book was “a present to someone I loved who was going to die.”
Lamott was the subject of a 1999 documentary by Freida Lee Mock called Bird by Bird with Annie: A Film Portrait of Writer Anne Lamott. In 2010, she was inducted into the California Hall of Fame.
Anne Lamott wrote her classic book on writing, Bird by Bird in 1994. If you are a budding writer, you will find it full of practical advice that you can use to learn how to write well.
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